Thursday, September 29, 2011

YUM configuration

I. Mount the ISO file using following command

#mount –o loop –t iso9660 /location/of/iso /var/ftp


#mount –o loop /location/of/iso /var/ftp

II. Verify the mounting using following command

#df –h

III. Move *.repo files from the /etc/yum.repos.d

#mv /etc/yum.repos.d/* /root/Desktop

IV. Edit the /etc/yum.conf file put the following lines at the end.

#vi /etc/yum.conf

[My Repo]

name= My Local Repository

baseurl=ftp://youripaddress ----> for Centos 5

baseurl=ftp://youripaddress/Server ----> for RHEL 5



V. Clean up previous caching by following command. This is very

important when you are changing repo files or rpm on your repository.

#yum clean all

VI. Install rpm with the following command

#yum install httpd

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